Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Helping Teens Cope as They Stay at Home

By Raquel Daniels GRANDcares Site Coordinator, Larimer County
As with many students who are now learning online and no longer in a classroom setting, many teenagers are experiencing the loss from upcoming expected events that were planned including spring sports, prom, upcoming school events, graduation, and end of the school year trips which have all been cancelled due to Covid-19. During the teen years, more autonomy and forming close friendships are really important and this process has been drastically impacted due to the current pandemic. Part of this change included establishing a new normal and as the current semester is coming to an end for many students, maintaining structure and optimism are tools for ending the school year on a good note.

Continue to support teens in keeping to a schedule with school. While the end of the semester is near, continuing to have a schedule during normal school hours provides consistency and predictability for the day. Be sure to build in breaks for time away from the screen. 

As well as supporting technology use, helping teens unplug throughout the day is also important. For youth and teens, 60 minutes of physical activity at least three days a week is recommended. With many parents working from home and all youth learning from home, most family members are staying busy in front of a screen. Unplugging from technology can happen during dinner for everyone or by playing a game as a family.

There are many teens who may be graduating this year and unfortunately many ceremonies have been cancelled or postponed. Explore the option of celebrating in alternative ways including virtually. While it may not be the same as in-person ceremonies, it still allows teens to celebrate their accomplishments. Teens can be reminded the chance to celebrate in-person is still possible, it may just take some time.

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