Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Holiday Resources

By: Gloria Sanchez GRANDcares Site Coordinator, Adams County

Raising a child nowadays is no easy task.  There is so much that one must be aware of -  the  importance of mental health, a positive self-image, developing empathy, cyber-security,  bullying and so on- and so many things to stay on top of – academic achievement, extracurricular activities, medical and dental visits – not to mention the basics such as food, shelter, clothing.  So how does one do it all?  With all the constant day to day pressures throughout the year, the turn of the holiday season only means more added pressure and stress.  Instead of being overcome with holiday cheer, many families become overwhelmed with incessant worry.  The stress created by the worry of not having enough resources to provide a Thanksgiving dinner, or the uncertainty of whether or not the children will have a present under the Christmas tree can be very taxing on a caregiver.  And not being in the right state of mind can be reflected on the quality of care and attention that the child receives.  Therefore, managing stress on a regular basis is definitely a healthy habit, but making it a priority is extremely important, especially during the most wonderful time of the year.  Fortunately, many organizations of the Denver metro area have already recognized this and have taken measures to help ensure that families throughout the mile high city have a bountiful Thanksgiving meal and a very Merry Christmas and Holiday season. 
Two of the largest community events that occur yearly are Operation Freebird- a tradition that started nearly a decade ago and feeds approximately 3,000 families- and Dolls for Daughters/Toys for Boys a program that began in 2007 and now provides a new toy to 14,000+ children in Colorado.  Along with these two mega-magnificent events, there are several other organizations that offer holiday resources that include holiday meals and/or adopt-a-child programs.  Among the popular ones are, The Denver Rescue Mission, Volunteers of America, Salvation Army, A Precious Child, The Christmas Tree Project and Families Forward 
While the objective of these organizations is to provide help and relief during the holidays, there may be some specific requirements and it is important to call in advance or visit their website to get all of the necessary information.  Another way to access local holiday resources is by calling 211, and a well-informed operator can provide resource information based on need and zipcode.  So, although families may be encountering challenging and difficult situations, this holiday season every caregiver deserves the chance and satisfaction of serving a warm meal and every child deserves the magic that comes with opening up a Christmas gift! 
Happy Holidays!