Friday, December 22, 2017

Practice the Gratitude Attitude over the Holidays

By: Ellen O’Kelley, GRANDcares Site Coordinator, Big Island, Hawai’i

I have always loved this time of year.  Even in Hawaii you see and feel the signs of the Holiday season all around.  We may not have snow, but we do have beautifully lit homes, glistening oceans in every shade of blue you can imagine, stores filled to the brim with all the greatest toys and oh those tech gadgets.  Families (“ohana” in Hawai’ian) start to gather, the cooking and baking begins, children practice for their holiday pageants, the party invitations start coming, presents to mail, cards to send, perfect cookies for Santa and the list keeps growing.

For 0ver 15 years I would get bronchitis and laryngitis sometime between Thanksgiving and Christmas lasting until January.  Any way you look at it the holidays can be stressful leading us to feel overwhelmed and exhausted, sometimes causing illness and depression.   A very special Doctor shared with me the concept of Attitude of Gratitude and I haven’t had bronchitis for 20 years.   Go figure.

Robert Emmons, PHD defines gratitude as “a sense of wonder, thoughtfulness and appreciation for life,” Recent research indicates that gratitude is good for the giver.  For some, gratitude is a way of life, for others it can be learned.  To boost gratitude focus on the positive, write your thoughts down in a gratitude journal and make a gratitude visit to those you care about.

The idea that gratitude can be healing is not new.  Dr. Whaley, Kaiser Psychiatrist, has found,” people who are more grateful exercise more, sleep better and have better immune function.  Practicing gratitude strengthens relationships, and protects against envy, materialism, depression and substance abuse.  Gratitude is also a source of resilience in the face of our daily stresses as well as a source of healing after personal tragedies.

This week I had the pleasure of meeting a very special Grandmother who despite very challenging circumstances embodied this concept.  I’m sure she didn’t realize it but I was reminded that an Attitude of Gratitude can be better than any medication you can try.  I think I will have a bronchitis free Christmas for at least another 20 years.

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