Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Walking on Sunshine

By Raquel Daniels GRANDcares Site Coordinator, Larimer County

There’s a reason why Vitamin D is called the sunshine vitamin. Your skin begins the process of creating vitamin D in natural response to sunlight. It is important to be staying indoors for your health and spending a little time outdoors has health benefits too!
  •  Light tends to elevate people’s mood. Stepping away from the screen and into the sun can be a little reset button for your mindset.
  •  Getting outside can increase your movement. Getting at least 20 minutes a day or 150 minutes a week of moderate activity can decrease stress.
  • You don’t have to go far. Doing movement in your backyard, in the garden, or on the balcony are steps from your door.

In a nutshell, taking breaks to step outside are essential. Keep in mind a few things before heading out the door: stay home if you are not feeling well, keep a social distance from others, avoid places during times of high use, and keep up with hand washing practices.

Having a change of scenery is helpful. This is a time of adjustment for work and movement for many people. Many individuals spent multiple hours inside whether that was at work in an office or at school in a classroom. With the length of days getting longer, there is plenty of time to soak up the sun. Below are two links to provide some helpful recommendations for your level of movement.

Colorado State University Department of Exercise Science:
The CDC physical activity recommendations for different ages:

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