Monday, June 25, 2018

GRANDcares Youth Club: A GRAND Kick off in Hawaii!

Written by: Jordyn Paa, Assistant Marketing Research Analyst, GRANDcares

Since 2015, GRANDcares has provided education and services to grandparents raising grandchildren. During our free classes, grandparents are able to learn and grow with other grandparents in the same situation, but what about grandchildren? GRANDcares launched the GRANDcares Youth Club on Maui in April 2018.  Within this innovative curriculum designed for keiki ages 8-14, who are currently being raised by grandparents, the youth build upon their leadership skills, self-confidence, communication skills and goal setting strategies. The GRANDcares Youth Club shares similar foundations to the 4-H Youth Club, which targets life skills to take care of “Head, Heart, Hands, and Health”. The motto of the GRANDcares Youth Club is “Grandfamilies Take Care of Each Other”.

One Youth Club member in particular, Kanai, highlights his experience with the new GRANDcares program. “It is a way to meet others who are going through the same situation. Sharing and learning from others can sometimes help with trials that may occur in your own life.”

Within the Youth Club, keiki get to participate in hands-on activities such as problem solving with paper airplanes, dynamic stretching, and tai chi. The classes for grandchildren run at the same time as the classes for grandparents.  The program was designed with the intention that families will take home what they learned in class and practice together to reach family goals and resolve challenges.

“I love socializing with others in the club,” Kanai said, “We’ve been trying to implement what we’ve learned in classes to our own lifestyles.”

Our next GRANDcares Youth Club in Maui starts on September 19 on Wednesday’s from 5:00 - 7:30pm. The classes are FREE and include dinner.  For children that are under 8 years old, supervision and activities will be available.  You can register yourself and your grandchildren by emailing

Join our grandfamily community and meet some awesome Youth Club members like Kanai!  We hope to see you soon!   

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